The Smartroof system is manufactured offsite and offers a whole range of benefits associated with moving roof construction away from the building site and into a factory controlled environment. Here we explore some of the major advantages of a prefabricated roof system.

Health & Safety
The major benefits of a prefabricated roof system over traditional ‘room in roof’ products include less time spent working at height and erecting scaffolding in confined spaces. Reduced vehicle movements onsite and less manual handling is a further benefit during the install process and the risk associated with falling blockwork from exposed gable walls is eliminated.

Speed of Construction
The risk of downtime associated with co-ordinating multiple trades, product deliveries and safe storage of materials from different suppliers for traditional ‘room in roof’ is completely eliminated with the Smartroof system. This helps free up the house builders skilled tradesmen onsite to speed up the build programme.

Cost Certainty
Smartroof can provide the complete roofing package including Roof Panels, Spandrels, Dormers, Roof Windows and Roofline to suit the client’s requirements. This allows the builder to lock in cost certainty for the roof as this can be supplied as a single sub-contracted item at a fixed rate.
Consistent Quality
Smartroof’s prefabricated roof system is manufactured in a factory governed by strict quality control procedures. This helps ensure no cold spots in the panels or spandrels that may arise from more traditional construction methods onsite. This is an important factor in the drive to close the performance gap.